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Boats, Punts, Central WBMNL Boats, Punts, Central WBMNL

Fogo Island Punt

Born 1864 and married at 24, Thomas Head lived in Joe Batt's Arm on the north coast of Fogo Island, Newfoundland. Thomas was a fisherman all his life but, to eke out a living with his wife Phoebe, he would likely have turned his hand to many other things in the…

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Boats, Dories, Eastern WBMNL Boats, Dories, Eastern WBMNL

Grandy Dory

Born 1884 in Garnish Newfoundland, Stephen Leonard Grandy sparked a longstanding family preoccupation with dory construction which began with his employment with G & A Buffet Ltd., a company selling dories along the south coast of the Island. Stephen studied the design…

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Boats, Punts, Central Crystal Braye Boats, Punts, Central Crystal Braye

Sam Feltham's Punt

Sam Feltham learned how to build boats on Deer Island using cut timbers, but has been using steamed laths since moving to Glovertown in 1954. This punt, completed in August 2012, is just one of more than 100 boats built by Sam…

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Boats, Punts, Western, Northern Crystal Braye Boats, Punts, Western, Northern Crystal Braye

Jack Casey's Punt

Jack Casey built his last boat, a sixteen foot row punt, in 2009 at eighty-eight years old.  Used by Wally Skinner of Pasadena, she is twenty-seven inches deep and sixty inches wide at midships. “Boats used to be more narrow.” Jack notes, “When I started…”

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